United Liberian Association of Bucks County (ULAB)"Where everybody is Somebody"

Welcome to the home of the United Liberian Association of Bucks "ULAB". We are a dream come true of a group of Liberian women who in 1994 saw the need to set up a support group for Liberians in Lower Bucks County, Pennsylvania during the heat of the Liberian civil war. Since then, we have expanded beyond a support group to meet the needs of increasing Liberian immigrants and refugees who have settled in Bucks county. We are a non profit, non political, charitable, and voluntary community based organization registered with the Department of State of the CommonWealth of Pennsylvania. Our principle mission is to seek and promote the general welfare of all Liberians with an overriding focus on the promotion of Liberian and African Cultures.
Finally we are able to launch this site for the convenience and enjoyment of all. We hope you like the new design and features. There have been countless hours of planning and hard work to make this possible. Many thanks to our Web site design team for their efforts. We kindly suggest that you take some time to navigate through the various links to know more about our organization through this medium. With many of the features... Our goal is to make this site a one-stop information source for members of ULAB, the Liberian community here in the United States, Liberia and beyond as well as friends of ULAB. Our team is working hard behind the scenes to ensure that we achieve this goal. We have also included several key features to provide more details about ULAB's Leadership, Projects, Meetings, Members, Events, Liberian News and many more. These features provide you not only with activities and historical information about ULAB but also news articles on Liberia, Africa, and the rest of the World. You can learn more about the history of how the Association was formed, who were the past leaders and so forth under the About US tab. Under programs & projects, you will see some of the initiatives that we are engaged in as well as past projects that have been accomplished by ULAB. This will help to enlighten you on what we are doing as an organization to help our people in Liberia and here in the USA. The bottom line is we hope to make this site as user-friendly as possible. We encourage you to kindly spread the word to your friends and family about the site and hope they can visit as often as possible.